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Tap your phone to
know your plants

Our semi-smart digital plant labels help you remember everything about your plants — with just a tap!

Waterproof, rugged, and reliable

Made with PETG, our labels can withstand all the sunlight, water, and natural processes you throw at them. Inside or outside, they're made to last.

Subtle and sleek

Most plant labels try to steal the spotlight and are hard to mark. Known labels are designed to blend in with your plants and record everything online.

No batteries required

Known labels work without batteries, so no regular upkeep or charging is required. All you need is your phone to tap and track your plants.

Screenshots of the Known mobile web app

Everything in your garden — always right at your fingertips

The Known web app helps you manage your landscape, remember your plants, and track your garden's growth. It's the perfect companion to our plant labels. With support for both outdoor and indoor plants, the Known app is the perfect tool for modern gardeners.

Always Remember

Known helps you remember everything about your plants, with support for photos, notes, and more. Never forget what you planted and when you planted it again.

Care Instructions

Coming Soon. When you enter a plant, Known will look up care instructions from our community database to help you learn more about your plant and its needs.

Share Your Garden

Coming soon. Make your garden public and let the world see your garden and its growth. Share access with friends, family, and professionals to help you manage your garden.

We love using Known. These gardeners agree.

“I am so into the Known plant markers. I love being able to include not just factual information about the plant, but also anything about who gave it to me, whether I’ve propagated it before, how big the pot is, and more. And looks-wise, they’re perfect for me.”

Apartment Therapy Logo

Apartment Therapy

April 2024

“These are really clever. I love a good plant stake but I don’t like that they fade, they get raked up and thrown away or just simply lost over the season. These are weather-proof, you are not limited by space for plant details and they blend nicely in the landscape.”

Beewise Gardens Logo

Beewise Gardens

December 2023

“With a tap of a smart device, gardeners can enter complete information about their plants, including care instructions, locations, scientific names and any other pertinent data.”

Upstate Business Journal Logo

Upstate Business Journal

March 2024


When I started tagging the plants in my garden, I realized classic plant markers are tricky. They emphasize my terrible handwriting, it’s hard to fit much information on them, and they fade. They also try to be the center of attention in the garden. That problem motived me and some of my friends to start exploring better labeling options.

Our team’s goal with Known is to help you remember. We want to help you remember the names and details of your plants, and how they have grown over time. To help you remember how you’ve grown as a gardener over time. Known plant labels are the simplest way to help you do that — it just takes a tap to get started.

Happy growing,
Alan Johnson, Co-Founder